Road at sunset

"Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else."

- Fred Rogers

Support for your transition into retirement

Retiring from work can be one of the most significant life transitions we will ever face. It can feel like everything is changing all at once. We might feel anticipation and freedom but also apprehension or anxiety. Retirement can raise new questions about our identity, purpose, relationships, and about what it means to age well. The good news is you don’t have to walk this path alone. I can help!

Through a package of six personalized counseling sessions focused on your retirement journey, you will be able to:

Headshot of Alice Kim
  • Explore your relationship with work and definitions of success
  • Develop skills to manage change and uncertainty
  • Make space to process grief and loss
  • Access your inner wisdom and strength to create new pathways and possibilities for the next season of your life

Who is this for?

Retirement can be a process that happens in multiple phases. It can happen at any age and for any number of reasons. Perhaps the focus of your time and energy is shifting and you’re wondering, “What’s next?” Maybe the way you’ve understood and defined “success” is evolving. Maybe your identity and purpose have centered around work or family for most of your life and you’re now seeking new ways to contribute to others and the world. Whether your retirement was planned or an unexpected turn, it can be a lonely and confusing experience, and you might not know where to start!

This package is for anyone in or nearing retirement or a similar mid-life transition. Throughout our six sessions together, we will make space to address the complex emotional, social, and psychological impacts of your major life transition. My goal is to come alongside you in your journey with support, guidance, and a holistic approach that promotes your well-being and inner growth.

Offering short-term virtual counseling services for clients in CT, MA, ME, NH, VT, and Washington, DC
Map highlighting Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Conneticut, and Washington, DC.
MA: 111412, NH: 2840,  VT: 089.0134873,  ME: LC 21368, CT: 03-997225, Washington, DC: LC200001980